Friday, August 26, 2011

Olives are Balls of Sweat

Today I learned a very interesting fact from a new found friend: olives are just balls of sweat. Kind of ruins my favorite fruit/vegetable (what the crap is it?!) but I do believe I'll keep on eating them because they're wonderful. I even managed to convince my new found friend that they really aren't as bad and sweaty as he thought. Win! He did beat me at a staring contest though, so maybe we're tied now. Dang. Nope, we'll say I one-upped him.
So today was rather eventful in other ways. I managed to walk around campus and find all of my classes AND found out which buses I needed to take in the deathly cold of winter! We ended up going in a loop on the wrong bus, but it was still an adventure and I did really enjoy it. I also found out that Abraham Lincoln was the first president of USU. No, he really wasn't, but we took pictures by him anyways. Plus also I tried to break in my new white sneakers that will very shortly be multicolored thanks to some lovely Sharpies, but ended up getting some pretty sweet blisters and, as a result, walked around campus in my socks. I liked that a lot more than shoes. Maybe instead of a skater I was born to be a hippie. Minus all the drugs and free love and crap, of course. I guess I don't know who I want to be. In the words of the great band Switchfoot"This is your life, are you who want to be?" Plus also my friend just told be to be whoever I wanted to be. Well this is quite a complex! Maybe I should figure out who I am...Meh, not right now. Here's some pics from our adventures today!

This is us by Abe Lincoln. We're cute. Me, Jacob, Jaycie, and Danny.

Old Main in the lovely trees. I thought it was kinda perty lookin'.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Books, Boys, and FrisBee

Good news: I am finally sore from all this lovely walking, climbing up and down the stairs, and ultimate frisbee-ing. It is quite glorious and I love it. Only, my sides are kind of sore and I have no clue why. I haven't been doing sit ups or anything...huh. Well that's just fine with me!

Thought of the day: how sweet would it be if my blog became a book?! You know, like Julie and Julia? I think that would be way cool. So maybe from now on I'll pretend like this will become a book. Or not. Nope, it's a blog. But still, how cool would that be? I wonder what the climax would be...maybe I would save somebody's life in some fire or something. Or maybe I would save an old lady from some creepy mugger guy. Um, maybe those are lame.

So, I'm trying to figure out what picture I could add today. I know people really come on this thing to look at the pictures, not to actually read this stuff. Maybe I'll just add some cool picture.

That is a picture of my hand. Yes, I could be a hand model like the infamous George Castanza. That dot would be a stress dot. The darker it gets, the more stressed the wearer is. Obviously I wasn't too stressed because the outside of it is kinda green-ish. I'm glad I had that dot, though. I was really confused if I was stressed or not and that little dot kept me informed on my feelings.

You know, feelings are really weird things. They effect my whole mood. Let me give you a few equations:




Yeah, they're the only equations that I can think of. They all revolve around boys...that sounds about right. Maybe I'll come up with some more that don't revolve around boys or stress. Not now, though. I'm too busy talking boys with my roommates.

TTFN all!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Favorite Things

My favorite food in probably the whole wide world is cereal. I love it a lot and I eat it at least once a day. Plus also I love Sesame Street. It was my very favorite TV show when I was little. If you've taken the time to look at my list of favorite movies you will notice Lion King is on there. I have always thought that particular Disney classic was quite brilliant, even since I was a wee little toddler. I'm not sure what I liked about it back then, maybe it was Zazoo the toucan, or maybe I liked the music, or maybe it was the fact that Simba was played by Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Matthew Brodrick who I find highly attractive. Both of them. Mostly Jonathan Taylor Thomas. I can remember thinking he was cute back in the good ol' Home Improvement and Tom and Huck days. Yeah, he's a good one!
Anyways, moving on, a few months ago I had to find a baby/toddler picture of myself for graduation. As I was looking through my scrapbooks I came across a picture of me. In it, I wore a Simba shirt, was eating cereal, and had a toy Zoey close at hand. It was so cool! I was so stoked when I saw it that I obviously picked it for my grad picture. So here it be. This is me. I was even cool when I was little.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Bucket List

Well, I became jealous that my lovely roommate has a bucket list on her blog and I don't. So, here I go to make one! Hooray!

  • Be in a Disney movie
  • Become a True Aggie
  • Live in Africa
  • Marry Buzz Lightyear
  • Live in Europe
  • World Peace
  • Go to a Coldplay concert
  • Start a blog...oh wait...
  • Become a mother
  • Get married to a stud muffin
  • Become a skater
  • Make a difference
Well, that's it. If I come up with something else, I'll let y'all know!

My Life Has Been Wasted As Me

So, when I was in middle school I wanted to be a skater, but my mom always said no. It was like those kids were sketchy or something, I don't know. Either way, the only close thing I had to being a skater were these sweet pair of checkered vans. I had them for like six years and they were rockin'. Most unfortunately, they fell apart beyond repair and I was forced to chuck them this summer. It was a horrid day.
Moving on! So the other day I spent like two hours at the D.I. buying and trying on clothes with these two really awesome girls whom I love, and I came to the most monumental realization of my entire life. As I tried on these light blue skinny-ish 80's jeans and wicked awesome checkered sweater, I came to realize that I COULD HAVE been a skater! Dude! I totally looked like one when I looked at myself in the mirror! I have wasted my whole life being me when I could've been a skater! It hit me like a ton of rocks! It was so intense I almost cried! Okay, it really wasn't that extreme, but still, it was pretty huge.
To prove to all y'alls that I could be, I shall post a picture.

See?! I totally could've been, right?!

Hello everyone!
This is a blog of my adventures and life as I know it. I hope you enjoy and find it at least partially entertaining. If you don't, well then oh well. :)