Hello hello! Well this week has been an adventure of sorts. I have done many grand things and laughed quite a bit. Shall we begin? Why yes we shall.
Tuesday night I went to "Thriller". It was a dance show based on the Michael Jackson song and it was pretty stinkin' awesome. There were probably ten different dances about different aspects of Halloween each were really good. There were a couple that really creeped me out, though. I didn't like the clown dance or really the scarecrow one. They were a little too much for me. There were two werewolf stomp ones, though, that were AWESOME!!! Those boys were mighty fine. Actually just the big one in the middle. The other two were skinny and a little fruity.
During intermission, before, and after the show, there were zombies from the "Thriller" dance walking around. I don't know how many times we got Marci to scream from those guys. This one particularly enjoyed making Marci uncomfortable by flirting with her boyfriend, Jarod. The zombie messed up his game a few times and then Marce started to say something about it flirting with him. The zombie promptly got in her face and scared her. I laughed.
I'm not quite sure which night this was, but it does happen quite frequently. I do enjoy looking through our peep-hole to see if any of the boys next door are home. I normally do this with food. Oh, would you look at that! There's a box of cake mix in my hand. Well shucky darn.
This, my dear friends, is a copy of the new Coldplay album Mylo Xyloto with my initials upon it. Contrary to belief, Mylo Xyloto is not Latin for Miley Cyrus. The very thought of that makes me puke a little in my mouth. No, it is Latin for butterflies dispersing or something. Don't judge. Coldplay is a band of musical artists, they can do what they want. Anyway, their new album comes out tomorrow and I am SUPER STOKED!!! It has long been waited for by me and I cannot WAIT to hear those lovely songs. I love Coldplay. They are my favorite.
This would be cute little Cami. I went to my mom's class on Friday and helped her grade papers and stuff. Cami was there and wanted to play. So we bounced a ball in the hall (hehe!) and she texted on my phone and then we took a picture. Aren't we cute?!
Saturday was Ethan's big soccer game. You see the shorter kid with the black shorts and white jersey who looks like he's speed-walking? That would be Ethan. He's not really a competitive little guy. He's content to sit on the grass and pull it or just chase the ball...or get hit by it...
Poor little guy had a rough game. He got hit in the face, arm, head, and I think at least a few more places with that darn ball. Of course, though, he was tough and didn't cry. He did complain a bit, however, but can you blame the poor kid?! If you kept getting hit with the ball you would too!
Thursday night I went on a date with Brandon in his tractor. He was planting grain. This would be the little tube thing that's hooked up to the trailer thing that has all the grain seed. From this tube, the seed goes shooting into these compartments that are hooked onto the tractor that have some cool names and little spiky things underneath. He taught me all the names, but I don't really remember them. Don't tell him. Notice the seed that is not in the compartments. He said he's usually a pro at making all the seed into their spots. Well, he must have been nervous or something, because he missed a bit. Just a bit, though.
After the tractor we moseyed over to the View church and went sidewalk chalkin'. I drew this one and thought it was rather spectacular. I especially like the sun. It looks real good. Brandon tried to draw the Canadian flag...it didn't work out well. He also tried to make the Blink 182 thingy on one of their albums. Let's just say we gave it an A for effort. Basically what went down was I dominated at drawing. Uh, I mean, we both had some very good drawings that were super duper impressive. Right.
Well, thanks for tuning in! Be sure to join us next week for another exciting episode of...
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